Sunday, September 29, 2013

Use Puzzle Pieces To Make Pudding

By Cindy R. Williams

I get a kick out of "talk radio." While driving the other day to play the piano for the baptism of a dear little 8 year-old friend, I heard a boxer talk about his upcoming bout. He mixed two different analogies, but it made total sense. While in the Church, I pondered what he said. I realized it totally works for writing.

Let me paraphrase the interview with the boxer.

Talk Host:  Usually you have at least three months to prepare for a bout. This one, you only have 30 days. What are you going to do?

Boxer:  I have been boxing for a long time. I'm in good shape and ready. 

Talk Host:  Yes, but how will you train specifically for this bout. You don't really have the time to hone your skills to take advantage of your opponent. 

Boxer:  Yes, each opponent has different strengths, and it does help to prepare for each fight, but, no worries. The things I do well are like puzzle pieces. I take all the things I know how to do and then I make a pudding out of them. I have a good pudding. I will be ready. 

Hummmmm . . . . the boxer takes his best skills and makes the best pudding that he can. Can't we do this with our writing. We may not know everything about grammar and writing, but we each have some writing skills and strengths. These are our ingredients/puzzle pieces.

How about if we don't worry that we aren't as great a writer as ____ or ____. Let's not think, "Surely this or that agent or publisher wouldn't want my meager story."

How about if we take all that we know and do and then make our best pudding? How about if we take the leap and believe in ourselves enough to submit our puddings?

If not now . . . when?

I love a good pudding. I can do this. Can you? Will you?

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